Daily Quip
September 2000 Archives

Source & Quip
A Clockwork Orange
Initiative comes to thems that wait.
Anthony Burgess novel & Kubrick film. Revisit Alex & droogs at the Korova Milkbar.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Winston Churchill
He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.
1874-1965, British Prime Minister during WWII, brilliant statesman and prolific author. Sir Winston's Site has a lengthy & detailed bibliography with book reviews to suggest further reading.  
Llewellyn Lafford
Is that a cell phone in your pocket -- or is your penis ringing?
It's not a vibrating battery, that I can promise. Shades of Mae West, what else can you expect from this sort?
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Louis Nizer
A graceful taunt is worth a thousand insults.
1902-1994. One of the great 20th century trial lawyers, defended celebrities Charlie Chaplin & Salvador Dali.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Quentin Crisp
Vice is its own reward.
Sharp wit from the East Village by way of England, learn more at the official site. The Englishman in New York.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Dorothy Parker
Vice is nice but liquor is quicker.
American author known from the New Yorker and the infamous Round Table of the Algonquin in New York. Well known for her sharp witticisms.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Jackie Gleason
Modesty is the artifice of actors, similar to passion in call girls.
Brooklyn origin, fame as Ralph in the Honeymooners and as Minnesota Fats in The Hustler. One of these days, Alice.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing

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